Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Wedding Vows

When I was a little girl, I prayed for a husband who would love me selflessly. A husband who would be my very best friend, and could make me laugh uncontrollably. A husband who would not only put up with my need for attention, but would want to give it. 

Robert Daniel Boyd-Thomas,
You are everything.
Everything I prayed for.
Everything I could ever want.
Everything I could ever dream.

You love me selflessly.
You are my very best friend and you make me laugh with your ridiculous sense of humor. 
You give me all of the attention I need - and more!

You are my superman.
You are my biggest supporter and my voice of reason.
You keep me on my toes and remind me to relax.
You encourage my newest crazy idea and you hug me when I’m sad.
You are everything.

I promise to always be faithful.
I promise to wake up every morning with the decision to love you through it all.
I promise to prepare myself daily for the challenges that we will face. 
I promise to never give up, and fight for us every day of my life.
I promise to hold you after a bad day at work.
I promise to work hard to be the wife that you deserve.
I promise to take care of you when you’re sick - even when that means forcing you to take my homemade remedies.
I promise to remember that you're human too, even though I'm completely convinced you're superman, or MoonKnight… whatever. 
I promise to encourage you to buy the awesome newest board game that you’re dying to have.

Most of all, I promise to love you, unconditionally, every day for the rest of my life. 

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