Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Our first CSA!

We started a every other week CSA this week and I am SO excited about it. We thought this would be a fun idea for a few different reasons...
1. Expand my cooking abilities! This will force me to step out of my comfort zone and make recipes that are out of my normal routine.
2. We definitely don't want all of this fresh produce going bad, so it will help us eat healthier since we will have so much produce.
3. Supporting our local community!

Here's what we got this week:
- summer squash
- basil
- fennel
- beets
- swiss chard
- collard greens
- curly kale
- lettuce
- blueberries

Here's what we're planning to make:
Lemon Pesto Pasta
Caramelized Fennel, Kale, and Goat Cheese Pizza
Summer Squash Muffins
Swiss Chard Onion Fritta
Variety of Green Smoothies
... if that doesn't take care of it all, then we'll throw together some roasted veggies and/or a vegetable pie!

I'm pretty excited about this experience! :)

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