Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"Blessings are Hard Work"

I have been praying to be a wife for so long - and now I finally am! I love being a wife. I love being able to care for and serve my husband. I really won the jackpot though. I most definitely have the best husband in the world.

So far, my schedule (from my last post) has been working really well! I don't feel burnt out by the end of the day and I'm always ready for snuggles before bed. :)
My lock screen of my phone has a quote that I fell in love with as soon as I read it;

"Laundry can wait, but a love story needs to be written a little bit every day!" 
- Shauna Niequist

Yesterday, Rob was really sick - we think it's probably just backlash from not enough sleep, stress & excitement of the wedding, and regular seasonal stuff. I made dinner, but he wasn't hungry (now I don't have to make dinner tonight - booya!) so put dinner away in the fridge, made myself a bowl of cereal and laid in bed watching TV with my husband. I know those things are easy to do now, since we are just newly married and I want all of my time spent with my husband. But it felt really important to me to be with him instead of worrying about what the rest of the house looks like, or the other things on my to do list. It also helps that I don't constantly have a wedding on the brain! 

I really think that it is all about mindset, though. I really think life, in general, is all about our mindset - how we view the situations we are in. On Mother's Day one of my favorite people, Candace Pringle, spoke about this at Freedom Valley, I strongly advise you to watch it here. It was such a great reminder to refocus our minds. One of my favorite things she said is "Blessings are hard work." I really hope, with everything in me, that I remember this in a year when laundry is piling up and I have no motivation to do it, or when my husband is sick again, and begs for my attention when my to-do list is a mile long.

But, I prayed for this. I prayed to be a wife. I prayed to be able to have a home to take care of.

I never want to complain about the blessings God puts in my life. 

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